When you first log in to Social Rx as a link worker manager, you will see the Caseload Dashboard. Here, you can see all of the new referrals that have come in, as well as active and completed cases. From here you are able to assign these cases to a specific link worker.
Logging in as a link worker, you will first see all of the cases that are assigned to you in the My Cases Dashboard. Depending on customer configuration preferences, link workers may also be able to assign themselves to cases, via the All Cases Dashboard, found under the 'Link Worker' tab in the blue navigation bar.
Filtering Referrals
The Caseload Dashboard allows you to filter the referrals by:
1. Clicking on ‘New Referrals’
2. Clicking on ‘Active Referrals’
3. Clicking on ‘Completed Referrals’
4. Entering any word in the search box and clicking the ‘Enter’ button
5. Using the dropdown filter
Scheduled Tasks
By clicking on the button 'View Scheduled Tasks', you can view and manage all of your scheduled tasks such as telephone or face-to-face meetings with patients, which will automatically be entered into this section.
Once a task is complete, you can click on the button 'Complete' (yellow circle labelled '1') and fill in any necessary details from the meeting. These details will then be stored in the patient's record within Social Rx.
Download List of Cases
You may wish to download the entire list of cases from the Caseload Dashboard. By clicking the 'Download' button, the list will be exported into Excel which you can then save.