Social Rx is fully interoperable with EMIS Web. The interoperability is two-way and enables both easy referrals from EMIS Web into Social Rx, and data activities recorded in Social Rx to be sent back into EMIS Web. The interoperability requires two sets of setup, 

Please note; In order to complete setup of the interoperability, the Social Rx team will support you to complete this stage of the setup via a 20 minute online teams meeting. To arrange a meeting with the Social Rx team, please speak to your account manager, or email us at 

The full setup instructions for enabling the interoperability are here. 

1. Easy referrals from EMIS Web into Social Prescribing - Portal SDK 

The interoperability enables an easy click-through from the patient record in EMIS Web, into an embedded referral form that auto-populates the referral form with patient demographics and GP practice details. The user simply needs to add the 'reason for referral' and submit the referral. 

Once a referral has been made, clinicians can use the Social Rx click-through button in EMIS Web to get a succinct overview of the data stored in Social Rx about that patient, via a summary view, 

To set up the interoperability, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Select the patient within EMIS Web

Step 2: Select the configuration option and then select the organisation configuration button as shown below. 

Step 3: Select the organisation button at the bottom left of the screen and then click the edit button. This will pop up the Organisation Edit button as below:

Step 4: Select Social Rx from the list of options on the left of the pop up window. Set the portal access to enabled and set require login access to no. Social Rx will now be enabled on EMIS Web. 


2. Social Rx data can be filed back into EMIS Web - Partner API 

Data recorded in Social Rx can be sent back into EMIS Web and recorded as consultation notes in the patient record. The types of data that are sent back into EMIS Web include actions plans, assessments and service bookings. When a patient is accepted onto social prescribing, the coded data is sent back into EMIS Web. 


For the integration to work both ways, we need to set up an EMIS user on your GP Practice system. Please follow the steps below to add a user. This user is used by Social Rx to add consultations messages back onto the patients record.


Step 1: Click on the EMIS ball in the top left and select Configuration > Organisation Configuration


Step 2: Click on users in the side bar and then click the 'Add' button in the top left to add a new user



Step 3: Add the new user as shown below and then click next once all fields are entered:

Title:                   Dr

First name:        Social

Last name:         RX

Email address:

Username:         SocialRx

Password:          (please add a password and let us know what you entered)


Step 4: In the Role screen, add the following details and then click next:


Job Category:                     General Medical Practitioner

Use Mnemonic:                   SRX

Authorise Prescriptions:    Independent Prescribing

Stamp User Choice:            Own

Formulary:                            EMIS Standard

Relationship:                        Employed by practice

Contract Start Date:            1 Mar 2021


Step 5: Skip the Languages screen by clicking next and then add the following in the User Role Profiles:

RBAC Role:         Clinical Practitioner Access Role


Step 6: Click through the rest of the screens and click OK to complete the user set up.


Step 7: Click the EMIS ball in the top left and select System tools, then EMAS Manager


Step 8: In the bottom left, there is a Partner API area. Scroll down in the section above until you find Social Rx. Once you have clicked on Social Rx in the partner API section, please press the Activate Application tick in the top left, as shown below. 

Next click Edit Users.


Step 9: Scroll down to find your user RX, Social (Dr) in the pop-up window and check the check box beside the user to allow it to login.  If you are asked to enter a username and password, please use the credentials specified in Step 3 above. 

Close the pop-up window and press the Login Access button.  Navigate to find our user, ‘Rx, Social’ and check the boxes to allow Auto Login and Allow Login.