The dashboards in Social Rx contain graphical data giving you the ability to visually track and analyse key data. They can be found via the side navigation bar under 'SRx Dashboards'.
As a link worker, you will only be able to view data for the patients that you are the assigned to. A link worker manager, however, will be able to see the data of all patients within the system.
Types of Dashboards
We currently have the following dashboards within Social Rx:
1. Overview
The overview dashboard details the number of referrals over time (by month), the origin of the referral (by GP practice) and the referrer (by job role, and then by individual respectively). If you hover over a bar on any graph, you can see the exact number of referrals (as shown below). You can filter by year and month on the left, as well as filtering by PCN.
2. Demographics
The demographics dashboard contains data detailing gender, age group, ethnicity, employment, religion, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage/civil partnerships. There are 8 charts split over two tabs (Demographics and Equal Opportunities). You can filter by year and month on the left, as well as filtering by PCN; the period refers to the date on which the patient was referred into the service. The total referrals figure in the top left only accounts for referrals where demographic data was recorded; all other referrals where demographic data was not provided, is excluded.
3. Reason for Referral
The reason for referral dashboard details the Top 10 Known Reasons for Referral, Reasons for Referral comparison across PCNs (with the ability to drill down to compare GP practices), and the reasons for referral across all PCNs. You can drill down into the Top 10 Known Reasons for Referral, which will show you the chosen reason for referral over time (by Month). The figure in the top left is the total number of referrals, whereas the charts show the total number of reasons of referral (one patient may have many reasons for referral). You can filter by year, month and PCN.
4. Referrals by GP Practice
This dashboard tells you which GP practices are sending in the referrals. You can filter by CCG, PCN, GP practice and by time (Year/Month). You can drill down into the Total Referrals chart to see referrals over months, and you can drill down further to see referrals over days. You can drill down into the Total Referrals by PCN chart to see referrals by GP Practice; you can drill down further to see referrals by age group. You can also drill down into the Referrals by GP Practice chart to see referrals by referrer name. The dashboard can help PCNs to monitor which practices are reaching the upper DES target of making social prescribing referrals (green), the lower DES target (amber) or are not reaching the targets at all (red).
5. Pathway Progress
The pathway progress dashboard details the progress a patient has made through the Social Rx pathway. The Current Status Totals chart shows the current status of all patients. You can drill down into a Case Status to see the Progress Stage of patients within that status. The Pathway Status Totals Comparison chart shows the progress stage status over time. You can drill down to compare quarters, and you can drill down further to compare months. You can filter the data by case status (e.g., active, declined, discharged), Progress Stage (e.g., Appointment scheduled, Follow Up Completed) and by link worker.
6. Service Booking Activity
The service attendance dashboard details the services that patients have been referred to and the attendance rates for the services. The Service Booking Activity Status by Site chart shows all service bookings across all service sites. Each bar within the chart shows the total number of bookings, and it is then divided to show the status of those bookings (e.g., On Waiting List, Accepted, Rejected). You can drill down into the service sites to show activity across the services provided by that specific service site; the bars of each service are then divided to show the status of the bookings. The Top 10 Services Utilised chart shows the total number of bookings for each of the top 10 services; you can drill down into a service to see the bookings categorised by referrer. The All Service Bookings by Referrer chart shows all the service bookings by referrer; you can then drill down to see the statuses of bookings for each referrer. The data can be filtered by date (Year/Month), Referrer, PCN, Service Site, and service within the service site.
Downloading Dashboards
Dashboards can be exported as a PDF, an image or onto Excel. To do this, click the download button (yellow circled labelled '1'). If you just want to download an individual graph, you can do this by hovering the mouse over it, and clicking the download button that appears.
For more information on our dashboards module, have a look at our video overview here: