There are multiple customer configuration options available so that you can tailor Social Rx to your own social prescribing programme. To manage configuration settings, go to the tab 'Local Admin' in the navigation bar, and then 'Customer Configuration' as shown below.
General Configuration
The general configuration page is the first tab in the section, and it allows you to edit key general areas of your application. The customer name and contact details are used in correspondence/emails. 'Show Risk Factors' and 'Show Long Term Conditions' allows you to toggle these features on and off in your referral form and in the EMIS/SystmOne referral forms. 'Show case worker utilisation' allows you to toggle the area on in your manager caseload dashboard. The email address section allows you to enter an email address which will receive referrals; new user registration emails; and also the email address that all system emails will be sent from.
Manage Static Lists
This area allows you to add/remove/update the static lists in your system. You can make changes to the Communication Types; Job Roles; Risk Factors; Long Term Conditions; Outcomes; Referral Criteria; Service Facilities; and Title. Once you update these items, they will be shown in Social Rx and the relevant referral forms straight away.
To manage the 'Communication Type' list for example, first click Manage next to the name of the list (yellow circle labelled '1'). To add an item to this list, type it out in the box under 'Add New Item to List' and click the 'Add' button (yellow circle labelled '2'). To manage an already existing item in the list, first click on the item (e.g. 'Email' in screenshot above). You can then either edit what it says (yellow circle labelled '3') or delete the item by clicking 'Delete' (yellow circle labelled '4').
API Calls
This section allows you to customise which calls are made to the GP Systems for your clients.
Equal Opportunities
Here you can customise which equal opportunities data you wish to record in your system.
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
This tab allows you to customise the SLA’s that are used in the new SLA report (SRx Reports -> Cases Reports -> Cases by SLA’s).
Consent and Data Sharing
In this section you are able to view the data sharing agreement and local content. We are aiming to make this editable in an upcoming release.
Action Plan
The Action Plan tab allows you to add and remove action plan questions, enabling you to fully customise your action plan to suit your social prescribing programme. You can view all of the existing questions in the table at the bottom, and remove any of them by clicking 'Delete' next to the question you no longer want. When adding a question, you can choose to add a small or large text box to capture the answers.
The last section is for admin configuration. Here you can view the configuration settings managed by the Social Rx Admin team. If you think any of the items in here should be changed, please contact Social Rx.