As a service provider, you can have your own account for Social Rx which allows you to manage your bookings and add waiting lists to your services. 

Managing Clients 

When you log in to Social Rx, you will first see the Service Provider Dashboard. This shows all of the new, waiting clients referred into your service in a table as shown below. 

This table of clients allows you to see the full list of clients in one place.  Just change the 'Status' drop down list to All Records and you can see every client. You can also choose other statuses to find clients.


The table is fully searchable (using the enter text to search bar), sortable (by clicking on the header) and has full filters available (click on the filter button – shown below):

The table also includes the ability to Accept a referral; the ability to Edit Status and Notes and the option to view Client Info (which is the same as the client info in the manage services page).   


The Edit Status and Notes pop up allows you to manage the status of the client’s referral and to add any notes relating to the status.   This status is fed back into Social Rx where the link workers can see the overall referral status and notes.

Waiting List Feature

We have a waiting list feature where you can add a waiting list to any of your services.  This waiting list is then shown to the link workers when they are searching for services. To add/amend a waiting list for a service, press 'Select' on the Manage Service Bookings table (yellow circle labelled '1'). 


Once you have selected the service, you can add a waiting list at the top of the page. To add a waiting list, click the 'edit' button to enable the buttons.  You can then select if the service has a waiting list and add any waiting list information. All of this is fed back to the link workers who will see this information when they look at services.

Recording Attendance

On the same screen, you can add updates to referrals for the service that you have selected. By selecting the 'Update' button (yellow circle labelled '2'), you can add notes and record whether the client attended or did not attend. You can also discharge a client here, which changes their status to 'Complete'. 

To view previous updates, select the history icon as in the screenshot below (yellow circle labelled '3').