Social Rx Release Version –
Release Date: 28/07/2021
User Guide Update
We have updated several key components within Social Rx Connect and this article will give you an overview and explanation of the changes that have been made. The key changes to functionality are with the user registration; customer configuration; service provider dashboard and the user access to cases.
User Registration
The user registration process is changing to make registering for Social Rx a simple process for both the user registering and the local administrator. The old process involved users clicking the register button on the login page and then entering all of their details. The Register button has been removed from the Login page and the registration process is now as follows:
Step 1:
The first step for user registration is now initiated by the local administrator for Social Rx. They should navigate to the User Management page within their Local Admin menu (Local Admin -> User Management). At the top of the page, there is a new section with a Register User button. Click the button to start the new user registration process.
Step 2:
The user registration process has now begun, and you are guided by the registration steps at the top of the page. The local admin user should select the user role; select the type of organisation; select the organisation that the user will be assigned to; enter the users email address and their first name. Once all the information is entered, you now need to click the Send Registration Link.
Step 3:
On pressing the Send Registration Link button, Social Rx Connect will send an email to the email address entered in the registration form. The email will contain a link to the new registration page for the new user to click on. The message sent success panel is shown and it also contains the link if you want to double check it. The registration email is sent to the new user and the New User Registration Email Address (configurable in the new Customer Configuration area) is also sent a copy. The email sent is shown below. You will also be able to check these emails in the Email Audit page.
Step 4:
The user receives their email and clicks on the link. This prepopulates the registration form for them, and they just have to enter the following information: Title; First name; Surname; Contact Tel; Job Title; Job Role; and then set their Password. When they click register, the New User Registration Email Address is notified by email and the user can now be activated.
Email generated:
Step 5:
Once the local admin receives the email notification, they can go into Local Admin -> User Management and select the user to Update from the list of users. You now only have one task and that is to activate the user. Please note, you do not have to select any roles for the user now as they are automatically created for the user (using the selection you made in the first user registration screen).
Customer Configuration
The configuration settings for Social Rx have been moved to allow you to change them yourselves. The configuration allows you to set your email addresses; customer name and contact details; show/hide referral form areas; manage static lists; manage API calls; manage Equal Opportunities; Manage SLA’s for reports; view Consent and Data Sharing; view admin configuration; and manage action plans.
General Configuration
The general configuration page allows you to edit key general areas of your application. The customer name and contact details are used in correspondence/emails. Show Risk Factors and Long Term Conditions allows you toggle these features on and off in your referral form and in the EMIS/SystmOne Referral forms. Show case worker utilisation allows you to toggle the area on in your manager caseload dashboard. The email address section allows you to enter an email address which will be sent referrals in; new user registration emails; and also the email address that all system emails will be sent from.
Manage Static Lists
This area allows you to add/remove/update the static lists in your system. You can make changes to the Communication Types; Job Roles; Risk Factors; Long Term Conditions; Outcomes; Referral Criteria; Service Facilities; and Title. Once you update these items, they will be shown in Social Rx and the relevant referral forms straight away.
API Calls
This section allows you to customise which calls are made to the GP Systems for your clients.
Equal Opportunities
This section allows you to customise which equal opportunities you wish to record in your system.
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
This section allows you to customise the SLA’s that are used in the new SLA report (SRx Reports -> Cases Reports -> Cases by SLA’s).
Consent and Data Sharing
This section allows you to view the data sharing agreement and local content. We are aiming to make this editable in an upcoming release.
Action Plan
This section allows you to add and remove action plan questions. This allows you to fully customise your action plan. You can view all of the existing questions in the table at the bottom. When adding a question, you can choose to add a small or large text box to capture the answers.
This section allows you to view the configuration settings managed by the Social Rx Admin team. If you think any of the items in here should be changed, please contact Social Rx.
Service Provider Dashboard
The service provider dashboard that you see when you login has now changed. It previously showed a list of services that you could manage. It now shows all of the new, waiting clients referred into your service in a table above the mage services table.
How to Manage Clients
Client management has been simplified to allow you to see new clients who have been referred into your services. All new clients now appear on your dashboard along with clients on your waiting lists (more on that later). The new table of clients is shown below:
This new table of clients allows you to see the full list of clients in one place. Just change the Status drop down list to All Records and you can see every client. You can also choose other statuses to find clients.
The table is fully searchable (using the enter text to search bar), sortable (by clicking on the header) and has full filters available (click on the filter button – shown below):
The table also includes the ability to Accept or Decline a referral; the ability to Edit Status and Notes and the option to view Client Info (which is the same as the client info in the manage services page).
The Edit Status and Notes pop up allows you to manage the status of the client’s referral and to add any notes relating to the status. This status is fed back into Social Rx where the link workers can see the overall referral status and notes.
Waiting List Feature
We have introduced a new waiting list feature where you can add a waiting list to any of your services. This waiting list is then shown to the link workers when they are searching for services. To add/amend a waiting list for a service, press Select on the Manage Service Bookings table.
Once you have selected the service, you can add a waiting list at the top of the page. To add a waiting list, click the edit button to enable the buttons. You can then select if the service has a waiting list and add any waiting list information. All of this is fed back to the link workers who will see this information when they look at services.
Existing Features
You can still use the manage services functionality as you did before. You will also see that the table in manage services has been improved and allows you to sort and filter data, in addition to a more usable search text function.
User Access to Clients
The way that clients are shown per user has now changed. Previously, link worker managers were able to see every client. Link Workers were also able to see all clients if they had access to the View All Cases dashboard. We have now introduced a more flexible design that allows you to control the areas each user can view and manage.
Users can now only see clients that are associated with organisations (GP Practices) that they have authority to view. This authority is managed by your local admin in the User Management area of the Local Admin menu. The organisations linked to a user shown in the User Management, now determines which clients they can see.
The user access to clients not only affects the clients shown in the caseload dashboards, but all the dashboards and reports as well.
The diagrams below show how this will work in reality:
Scenario One: Link Worker Manager Assigned to PCN
In this scenario, the customer is responsible for a CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) but the link worker manager is only to be responsible for a specific PCN (Primary Care Network). The link worker manager is linked to PCN1 in the user management local admin area. They can now only view clients who are below PCN1 (shown in orange below). This means that they can see GP Practices GP1 and GP2 and all of the clients below (Client 1, 2 and 3).
Scenario Two: Link Worker Manager Assigned to Customer/CCG
In this scenario, the customer is responsible for a CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and the link worker manager is also responsible for the whole CCG. The link worker manager is linked to CCG in the user management local admin area. They can now view all the clients who are below CCG (shown in orange below). This means that they can see both PCNS, all GP Practices and all clients.
Scenario Three: Link Worker Assigned to GP Practice
In this scenario, the customer is responsible for a PCN (Primary Care Network) and the link worker is responsible for a GP Practice. The link worker can now only view clients in GP Practice: GP 1 (Client 1 and 2).
Scenario Four: Link Worker Manager Assigned to PCN and additional GP Practice
In this scenario, the customer is responsible for a CCG and the link worker manager is responsible for a whole PCN and an additional GP Practice outside of their primary PCN. The link worker manager can now view clients in PCN1 (GP1 and GP2) and GP Practice GP 3. Giving them access to Clients 1,2,3 and 4.
This flexible approach allows you to control which areas your link worker managers and link workers can view. You can choose any combination for users as users can be linked to as many organisations as you like . If you would like more information on this, please get in touch and we can explain further.