Social Rx Release Version –





  1. Fix – Error received when adding referral name/contact and communication notes when copying data in from emails.  The special characters < and > are interpreted as an attack on the code and cause the error.  These characters are now removed to allow the data to be saved.
  2. Fix - New referral client match logic.  The match logic was creating erroneous matches when users entered a 0 NHS Number.  NHS Number is now validated to stop this issue.
  3. Fix - New referral client match rejection. If you believed that the case was not a match, you could not create the new referral without the link. A new option is now available to allow the link to be not applied.
  4. Fix – GP Referrals Address data – the full address is being captured but the line by line breakdown was not being created when referrals were being received from GP Practices. Fix applied and script run to tidy up the incorrect data.
  5. Fix – Book in referral – NHS Number can be incorrectly added. Validation for the field has now been added to ensure incorrect numbers cannot be entered.
  6. Fix – Book in referral – Changing the referral date resulted in it defaulting back to todays date. Fix applied.
  7. Fix – Caseload dashboard – the referral date was displaying the created date. This has been changed to the referral date.
  8. Fix – Changing Local Authority District to Out of Area did not remove the existing local authority. Fix applied.
  9. Fix – Updating referral details resulted in risk factors being duplicated. Fix applied to stop the addition of the risk factors when saving.
  10. Fix – Smaller screen size issues. When reducing the width of Social Rx in the browser, a double logo appeared, and the menu disappeared.  Social Rx can now be reduced to a smaller size with the menu. Note, Social Rx is not supported on mobile devices. 
  11. Fix – Assessment Outcome dashboard navigation. If you navigated from ONS4 back to SWEMWBS, the page was blank. Fix applied.
  12. Fix – Duplicate services in the Manage Provider area. A fix has been applied to ensure just one row per service is displayed.





1. GP Overview (in EMIS/S1) – Submit new referral.   GP Practice users can now submit a new referral when they are on the Patient Summary.  This option also prepopulates the S1 referral form.

2. GP Overview (in EMIS/S1) – View Historic Referrals – GP Practice users can now view the historic referrals and view the overview of each referral for that patient.

3. GP Overview (in EMIS/S1) – Attachments added into Social Rx can be made visible in the GP Overview.  This is switched off for all customers as the default as you may not want to share all the documents you upload.

4. Internal Referral Form – GP Practice selection is now a smart drop down where you can start typing text and then select the practice.

5. Internal Referral Form – The NHS Number is now masked and validated with a separation to allow users to see the number as a 10 digit number with the appropriate gaps (e.g. 714 401 2113).

6. Case Notes – Case notes now allow the structure (spaces and new lines) to be added and you can also add underlines (CTRL + U) and italics (CTRL + I)  to the text.

7. Scheduled Tasks – This area has been changed to make it more user friendly.  The table defaults to your tasks for today. You can filter by week, date range, any column and search the table. You can include other users (if you are a manager) and also include completed tasks.  You can now go straight to a case from this table and add case notes directly.

8. New Status – A new status of Waiting List has been added.

9. Directory of Service Search – Users can now export the list of services from searches into pdf, excel or word.

10. Action Plan Export – Users can now view historic action plans and export the contents to pdf, word and excel.

11. Delete Case Notes – Local admin users are now able to delete case notes that have been incorrectly entered.

12. Delete Service Bookings– Link workers and Link Worker Managers are now able to delete service bookings that have been incorrectly entered.

13. Follow Up Pathway page – the order of the tabs has been changed to move the action plan to be before the assessment tab.

14. Dashboard – Activity Dashboard – A new dashboard has been added to detail the activities by link workers.  This breaks down each activity performed on a daily basis, split by activity type.

15. Dashboard – Pathway Progress  - this dashboard has been changed to include all of the status reasons and to allow a date to be chosen (instead of just being the latest status). A table of the raw data is also now available to allow extract and further analysis.

16. Dashboard – KPI  - this dashboard has been changed to include two new measurable KPI’s – first and second contact. The type of scheduled task can be set in the local admin area. For example, first could be initial telephone and second could be first meeting. A table of the raw data is also now available to allow extract and further analysis.

17. Dashboard – Patient Experience  - A table of the raw data is also now available to allow extract and further analysis.

18. Report – Full Case Report – A new report has been added that allows you to extract a report containing all of the data entered in the referral details.  In addition, you can specify a type of scheduled activity by type to be included.

19. Report – Assessment Report – Overview now includes the statistical significance of the assessment overview.  Statistical analysis has now been included and will state if the increase/decrease is statistically significant.

20. Report – Assessment Report – Overview – Now includes addition assessments: ONS4; GAD7; and PHQ9


Local Admin Changes

1. New configuration settings are available for the patient summary page in GP Systems. You can choose to show attachments added in Social Rx.

2. New configuration setting to add the first and second contact to the KPI dashboard are available in the SLA tab.