Social Rx Release 2.8

This release includes enhancements to our interoperability with EMIS Web and SystmOne and to our reports, as well to some additional functionality. 


GP System Interoperability

Firstly, we have enhanced our integration solution so that if a GP practice sets up the integration after a participant’s details have been inputted onto Social Rx, the relevant SNOMED codes are automatically sent into the patient record on the clinical system. 

Secondly, you can now set a flag against the case that stops data being shared with a GP system. This flag is in the ‘Edit Referral Form’ and will allow users to stop a case sending integration messages to the GP system. This can be set before a GP practice is setup. Please note that this defaults to ‘Yes’, so users may only need to check this if you wanted to change the option to ‘No’. 


In the Assessment Report, we have removed the column that was totalling the 4 scores produced from the ONS4 assessment. Also, the total is no longer included in the integration messages sent to EMIS Web and SystmOne for ONS4 assessments. 

Additionally, we have removed the duplicate column for ‘GP Practice’ that appeared in the Full Case Report. 

Duplicate Referrals

If a user receives a duplicate referral, they can now appropriately record this by discharging one of the referrals and selecting the new status reason of ‘duplicate referral’. Some users may continue to archive duplicate cases, but by discharging them instead, teams can more accurately report on the total number of referrals received.

Other Functionality

Other changes that we have made to Social Rx include on the Caseload Dashboard, where users with the access type ‘Link Worker’ can now remove all filters applied to their Caseload Dashboard by selecting the button ‘Clear all grid filters’. 

Furthermore, the reference to Clinical Commissioning Groups on the GP referral form has been removed. 


Please refer to our Release Notes for details on the bug fixes in this release.