Social Rx Release 2.9.1- SystmOne Referral Form NHS PDS Enhancement

This release is an enhancement to the SystmOne Referral form to prepopulate the patient demographics using the NHS Personal Demographic Service.

Form Enhancements

The SystmOne referral form is launched from within SystmOne.  This opens up the Social Rx referral form either within SystmOne or in a browser.  The integration with the NHS Personal Demographic Service has allowed us to use the NHS Number to to pull the clients personal data from the NHS service to pre populate the patient details area of the form.  The patient s name, date of birth, address, NHS Number and contact details (email and phone) are all now fully populated.

There is also a new warning that will appear if there is an issue retrieving the data from the NHS PDS service.  If we cannot retrieve the data, you will see the following warning message above the patient details area.